High school is much better than middle school. We have a lot of freedom and we are able to do our homework at school and then it is not so stressful when we get home. We have free period to chill and do homework. I like how we are learning in different ways like the way we use our iPads and take notes on them. I like how we can go out for lunch and get a break from school. The things that I don't like about the high school is less of a list. It is annoying how the school is so big and how sometimes in my schedule I have to walk across the entire school. However, I can deal with that because the overall experience doesn't feel like that much work and it is just a lot better than middle school. After school is also good because there are a lot of clubs and sports and you can choose what you want to do as your after school activity. High school is very fun and doesn't even feel like school. It is a fun experience and I am excited for the next 4 years!