Thursday, September 22, 2016

Adam & Eve

In the beginning, God is very kind to Adam and he creates Eve for him. He brings them to a garden like heaven, no pain. God then puts a beautiful apple tree in the middle of the garden but tells Adam and Eve not to eat it or else they would be in serious trouble or die. A serpent convinced Eve that she should eat it and give some to her husband. What God did really was very cruel because he wanted to taunt them into eating it. He was responsible for getting them to eat it because he wanted to punish them for doing something wrong. Since God had told them not to do it, it just made them want to do it a little bit more. He was trying to get the bad reaction from them and to not follow his directions Eve had to eat it. In the result of them eating it, the animals couldn't talk anymore. They were mad at God because he also gave them consequences too. But in general it was not Eve's fault, it was Gods for putting the tree there in the first place. God had done the wrong thing this time.

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