Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Maynas and Gilgamesh

The Mayan flood is very similar and also different from the epic of Gilgamesh. The Mayan flood was about dwarfs and they way they saw the flood. The Epic of Gilgamesh was about Gilgamesh going to see Uta-napishti about how he can become immortal and that was when Uta-napishti tells Gilgamesh his story. The Gilgamesh story is different than the Mayan story because the Mayans had a Monotheistic religion and Gilgamesh had a Polytheistic. The Epic of Gilgamesh's flood only has one flood while the Mayans have three floods. The ways that they handled the situation when they were told about the flood was different. The Mayans put some stones in the pond and they sat on them and all of the dwarfs were destroyed. The way Uta-napishti handled the flood he was warned about the flood, he built a boat and brought his wife. The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Mayan flood story are also alike in many ways. They are both warned about the flood and they each had floods. In both story's the God(s) had wanted to kill all go the people because in the Mayan, the population was growing, in Gilgamesh, the people were too noisy.


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